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Where Does a Childless Couple Turn?

We know that in the past when couples or single people could not have a child they would turn to adoption. 2004 was the height of international adoptions in the United States. However, we have seen that number decline rapidly by as much as 50% or more. There are various reasons for this phenomenon. First, […]

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Egg Donation Vs. Adoption

Laos Fertility understands that many women today delay their having children for a number of reasons. They may want to continue their education, travel, save to buy a house, become financially secure, or just want to wait until they know when the time is right. The problem is when a woman reaches 38, her eggs […]

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Male and Female Infertility

Male and female infertility is a subject of modern day debate. Most people believe that it’s always the female’s fault when a pregnancy can’t occur. They just assume that the woman has some “female” problems and that’s why she can’t get pregnant. However, what most individuals don’t understand is that recent studies actually prove that […]

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Traveling Egg Donors

Traveling Egg Donors have become the new wave in fertility treatment today. As our world becomes smaller there are new options for intended parents who need an egg donor. Geography once was a barrier and now it seems as though one can easily travel anywhere around the world especially when money is involved. There are […]

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Growing Surrogacy Trade in Asia

Growing Surrogacy Trade in Asia has not slowed down even though countries like India, Thailand, and Cambodia all banned the surrogacy trade. Instead, it has fueled surrogacy in other countries such as Laos, Georgia, Ukraine, Russia, and even Kenya. The very high cost of doing surrogacy in the U.S. has intended parents seeking other options […]

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Traveling Surrogacy

Traveling Surrogacy is a rather new phenomenon in our world today. A decade ago, not many would think of traveling to a foreign country to do surrogacy. However, the world has changed and traveling to a foreign country for fertility treatment and/or surrogacy has gained international attention. Traveling surrogate mothers are also traveling outside of […]

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Chinese Egg Donors

Chinese Egg Donors have really become popular both in the U.S. and in other countries around the world. One of the main reasons is there are many Chinese immigrants in the U.S. and in Europe. As couples today wait until later in life to have children, the chances of having a successful pregnancy with an […]

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Cheapest Fertility Treatment in the World

Cheapest Fertility Treatment in the World is a very popular search term often found on Google. In our last blog, we wrote about the cheapest surrogacy in the world. Now, let’s take a look at the cheapest fertility treatment in the world. Since fertility treatment can be expensive, many intended parents are looking for more […]

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Cheapest Surrogacy in the World

Cheapest Surrogacy in the World is a search often found on Google. Intended parents everywhere are looking for more affordable ways to do surrogacy because it is so expensive in the U.S. In fact, the price of doing surrogacy and IVF in the U.S. has skyrocketed. It now exceeds over $150,000 and that is for […]

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Gay Surrogacy in Asia

Gay Surrogacy in Asia is an excellent choice for single or gay men to expand their families buy having a baby born through a surrogate mother in Asia. This option is much more affordable than doing surrogacy in the U.S. where the price has skyrocketed to over $150,000 for a single attempt. One of the […]

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Egg Donors Worldwide

Egg Donors Worldwide has really become a great option for diverse intended parents anywhere in the world to have a baby. Say for instance, an Asian couple living in the U.S. wants to have a baby through egg donation. It may be difficult to find an Asian egg donor in the U.S., so the intended […]

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Fertility Clinics Worldwide

Fertility Clinics Worldwide has really opened up the possibility for intended parents to have fertility treatment just about anywhere in the world. It’s hard to believe that it has been nearly 40 years since Louise Joy Brown (born 25 July 1978), an English woman, became the first human being to have been born after conception […]

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Surrogacy Costs Worldwide

Surrogacy Costs Worldwide vary from country to country ranging from affordable to very expensive depending upon which region one is interested in. Generally, surrogacy is much more expensive in the West. This is most notably true in the U.S. where surrogacy costs can exceed $100,000. The costs nowadays are even higher because of the huge […]

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Egg Donation Worldwide

Egg Donation Worldwide has been a new phenomenon in the fertility industry. Today, intended parents can find an egg donor just about anywhere. It used to be that when intended parents needed an egg donor, they would choose one that lived near where they were doing their fertility treatment. However, today, many egg donors travel […]

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IVF Worldwide

IVF Worldwide has grown exponentially since Louise Joy Brown was born in July 25, 1978 by becoming the first In vitro fertilization or IVF baby in the world. Nearly 40 years later there have been millions of babies born through IVF worldwide. Gestational Surrogacy has also grown a lot which in many cases accompanies IVF. […]

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Surrogacy Worldwide

Surrogacy Worldwide has been growing exponentially the past 10 to 15 years. As surrogacy costs soar in the United States, intended parents are seeking alternative places to have their baby through a surrogate mother. In the U.S., surrogacy costs have more than doubled in the past few years due the influx of wealthy Chinese intended […]

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Surrogacy in Thailand and Laos

Surrogacy in Thailand and Laos can be a good option for intended parents seeking alternative fertility treatment solutions. Originally, surrogacy began in India over 10 years ago and then spread to Thailand. As surrogacy became more and more popular in Thailand, thousands of westerners traveled to the kingdom seeking surrogacy and egg donation. At its […]

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Fertility Treatment in Asia

Fertility Treatment in Asia provides a great way for intended parent/s to have their baby. There are many reasons why one would want to travel to Asia for fertility treatment. One of the most common reasons why one would travel to Asia for surrogacy, egg donation, and fertility treatment is the costs are much lower […]

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Egg Donors in Southeast Asia

Egg Donors in Southeast Asia are a great option for intended parents seeking an egg donor especially if they are from southeast Asia. Most of the countries where egg donors come from are Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. These countries are more economically stressed than western countries so many girls in their 20’s who are […]

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Egg Donors in Asia

Egg Donors in Asia provide a great way for intended parent/s to have their baby. There are many reasons why one would need an egg donor. The first reason is because a woman’s eggs may no longer be viable due to disease or because of her age. As an average woman reaches her late 30’s […]

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