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Surrogacy in Laos

Surrogacy in LaosWe provide the lowest cost and safest surrogacy program in Laos. All-in-one surrogacy package at the lowest price! Surrogacy in Laos. We know how emotionally draining it can be when intended parents try and try to have a baby naturally and it just doesn’t happen. Then, one day you wake up and find yourself in your 40’s thinking how could it be that you are childless? You never think it can happen to you. You hear about others who may have had problems and had to adopt or could not grow old with any children at all. Sometimes women do get pregnant, but somehow can’t carry her baby to full term and has a miscarriage.

Many times women have multiple miscarriages and this can really take a toll on a both her and her partner. After going through an emotional roller-coaster, intended parents find themselves with the question should they think of using a surrogate to carry their baby? Surrogacy is still a controversial issue and is actually banned in some countries. We believe, however, that every loving person should be given the right to have a child and so that is the main reason why we started our company. We take great pride in caring for all of our surrogate mothers in Laos as they are the main conduit to your dreams. They are carrying the very life that you created inside of them. We can proudly say that we have one of the best surrogacy programs in Laos.

Types of Surrogacy

There are two types of surrogacy. The first type of surrogacy is called traditional surrogacy. With traditional surrogacy, the woman is both the biological mother and the carrier of the intended parents. In other words, they use the intended father’s sperm and the surrogate’s eggs. This type of surrogacy is more emotional for the intended parents as well as the surrogate mother. Many times the surrogate mother has a difficult time giving up the baby after it has been delivered. The intended parents would have to have a legal contract drawn up by attorneys specializing in this type of surrogacy and in some states these contracts do not always hold up in court.

The second type of surrogacy that is much safer and less emotional is called gestational surrogacy. This is the surrogacy program that we offer in Laos. With program in Laos, the intended parents use the eggs of the mother and the sperm of the father or in some cases donor eggs or donor sperm. Through in vitro-fertilization (IVF), embryos are created in a dish, cultured, and then transferred to the surrogate. The surrogate mother has no biological connection with the baby. She is only a carrier. This is is the most common type of surrogacy worldwide and it is what we offer through our program. Even though the surrogate mother carries the baby for 9 months under a normal gestation cycle, it is easier for her to give up the baby since she has no biological connection to it. Under this type of surrogacy, a contract is made between the surrogate mother and the intended parents. Specifics such as parental rights, payments to the surrogate mother, and performance specific guidelines are usually included in the contract.

Who uses a surrogate mother?

There are several reason why a woman may need a surrogate mother to carry her baby. She may have problems with her uterus. Sometimes the uterus is diseased or has been removed if she had a hysterectomy. Another reason why a woman may need to use a surrogate mother is because she may have a health problem such as heart or kidney disease and it becomes too dangerous for her to carry her baby. Additionally, some women just simply can’t get pregnant and the doctors don’t know why so she may decide to use a surrogate mother. Finally, some intended parents decide to use a surrogate mother because they can’t adopt due to their age or marital status or even due to their sexual orientation. Additionally, our program in Laos gives gay couples a chance to have children.

Who are your surrogate mothers?

Our surrogate mothers mostly come from middle to low middle income level. They are women below the age of 38 that are healthy, disease free, have had children naturally with no complications, are single mothers either divorced or unmarried, and have a strong will to help others achieve their dream of having a baby. Many times our surrogate mothers need extra money to send their children to the university or sometimes to help expand their family business. Our surrogate mothers are all very kind, caring, and loving women. We encourage our patients to develop a relationship with their surrogate mother. We pay our surrogate mothers more than most agencies in Laos. In fact, we have heard many times that many agencies tell intended parents that they pay a certain salary every month to their surrogate mother when in fact they pay her less than 50% of what they tell you. This is one of the reasons we have no problems finding woman who want to be a surrogate for our company because of the care that we give them.

Selecting a surrogate mother

Many times our patients ask us if they can select their own surrogate mother and we explain to them that selecting a surrogate mother is different from selecting an egg donor. We don’t select surrogate mothers on their appearance. We select them based on their ability to carry a baby to full term. We bring in surrogate candidates to our fertility doctor and he selects them after careful examination of their uterus and their ability to carry a baby. The lining of the surrogate mother’s uterus has to be thick enough for the embryo to attach to it and remain attached. That is why only a qualified fertility doctor can make the final selection.

Using your own eggs

If you have viable eggs and want to use your own eggs, the process using IVF or ICSI is the same. The doctor will synchronize your menstrual cycle with that your surrogate mother’s cycle (usually the second day of menstrual cycle). Your eggs will be retried between day 11 to 14 depending on your age, fertility drugs used, and treatment protocol. Once your eggs are retrieved, your embryos are made and transferred to your surrogate mother on the 3rd or 5th day. Your stay in Laos will be around 2 ½ weeks.

Using donor eggs from one of our egg donors

If you don’t have any viable eggs, or if you are a single or gay couple, you can select one of our egg donors through our Egg donation program. You can do a fresh or a frozen embryo transfer with one of our surrogate mothers. The process is the same. You will only need to stay in Laos 3 to 4 days.

Our Surrogacy team in Laos

We have a fully staffed and very capable team in Laos including a Patient Manager, recruiters, and nurses who care for our surrogate mothers.

Feel free to explore our website. You will find extremely informative information on our services. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us anytime. You can call us at +856 2057 470 336. You can also send us an e-mail at info@laosfertility.com or contact us here  https://laosfertility.com/contact-us/

Laos Fertility wants to help you realize your dreams with Surrogacy. Let Laos Fertility help bring your baby home to you.